Friday, September 12, 2008

Surprises - I just love them!!!

Yesterday the day began with a lot of work pipe lined; it was going to be a hectic day at work. So everything looked like a drag already I just hate to be very busy on Fridays. When I started working I realized I just won’t have time to eat also if I have to finish my work today. So skipped lunch and by lunch time I was done with the chunk of my work and then I got the CALL.

The CALL- seems fishy right? But I got a call from a very sweet friend of mine. She gave me the biggest surprise of the day a pleasant surprise she was in town. I was damn excited, we planned to meet up for lunch but as she was on official visit she had certain obligations and appointments to take care of, so we planned to meet to in the evening for coffee. So I quickly tried to wrap my work but that of amount work could not have been wrapped before 12 in the night so I just pushed some work for Monday( Man I gonna have a major Monday Blues). And delegated some part of the work to my teammates.

Oh man seeing a buddy of yours after a long time and especially when you know it’s gonna be a long time when you are going to see them again. It was great to see her. We had lots to talk about but very less time. But you know just meeting your friends no matter for how short period of time is so refreshing. All your weariness of the hectic routine just goes away. So the day ended on very happy note than what it could have been- a hectic and monotonous work day.

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