Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Good Moringgggggggggggggggggggggggg.......

Its been sometime since I last visited the blog. We'll today I am a little excited my parents are coming to meet me and we plan to go to Rajmundhry together. I hope it'll be an refreshing trip.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Life is turning into a puzzle with all plans getting dropped. I was pretty excited about our business plan but b'coz of money crunch had to drop the plan.
Thats the time when reality hits, all this while I use to believe that as long as you can fulfill all your needs you got enough money but now I realize as long as you can't fulfill your dreams you haven't got enough money....

But I still know and understand that money is not everything in life but yes you do need to alter a lot for your plans because it.

So I am sticking around in the job I would have quit three months down the line and would have been a free bird all on my own... wow... but again I can only dream of doing this as long as I don't know what I am doing next.....

But one thing I am pretty sure is that I'll be out of this IT industry soon...

Have to start my GMAT prep, all the best to me and hope I come to the right frame of mind soon as I am feeling very sad these days....